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Allergy & Asthma Associates - Logo
Located in Davenport, IA    |   563-359-0324

Our Policies

Serving Davenport, IA
Serving Davenport, IA
Call Us Today
The Quad-Cities' leader in diagnosis and treatment of allergy, asthma and allergic diseases

Check Out Our Office Policies

Medication Refills

For the fastest response, please contact your pharmacy directly for medication refills.  Your pharmacy will contact our office if any approval is required.  Contacting our office directly may cause additional delays in the refill process.  Medication refill requests received after business hours will be addressed as soon as possible on the following business day.

Office Visits

Your appointment may be scheduled weeks in advance, however we have a waiting list and will attempt to get you in as soon as possible. If you need to cancel or change your appointment, please call 563-359-0324 or email us at as soon as possible. This will help us fill your spot with a waiting patient. If you do not notify us within 24 hours of your appointment time, you will be charged a $25 cancellation fee for office visits and $10 for allergy shot appointments.

Allergy Shots

Allergy shots are by APPOINTMENT only. Please call the office to schedule your appointment. Do not come if you have fever, cough or have had a COVID exposure.

All patients are required to take a timer and stay in the waiting room for 20 minutes after EVERY injection for their safety, regardless of past history.  Ours staff is specially trained to identify and treat anaphylaxis. Thank you for your understanding.
Call 563-359-0324 to schedule an appointment!
Dr. Andrea Jones is a member of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology and the American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology.
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